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Maximum Rock'n'Roll (1997)
MRR: So let's get a brief history of the band.
Greg (Petix, guitar/vocals): Okay, in 1992 me & Gerard are playing in
Chicago in a band called the Lonely Trojans with me on drums and him on
bass. We started this little side project because Gerard liked playing
drums so much and I had a couple songs to write. Under the name "The
Weird Lovemakers" we played with this guy Ron Richter for awhile, then
we played with Dave Riley from Big Black, the infamous fuck-lip drunk --
we played one last show with him in Chicago, like three songs, and it
was horrible. Dave didn't know what he was doing, and he wasn't even
playing with us, just looking in disgust. That was pretty much it until
we moved back to Tucson, we started up again because Gerard's girlfriend
at the time wanted to play music, and I still had some songs to figure
out. We got this girl named Shannon Riggs to play bass and Chrissy
played guitar, I played guitar and Gerard drummed. We went through a
bunch of dumb names for awhile but we stuck with Irving, which was
dumber than all the other names. Shannon left, we got Bob Fanning from
the Fells for awhile, then Hector. Chrissy moved to Spain and Jason joined on guitar and as soon as that happened, we became the Weird
Hector (Jaime, bass/vocals): And then people started complaining that
we were too macho. That's when they started calling us a hardcore band.
Greg: Yeah, we lost our estrogen.
MRR: So, does that explain the younger audience?
Gerard (Schumacher, drums) : The younger audience likes us because we
are "on the tip".
Jason (Willis, guitar): It's also because Gerard is an educator of
young minds. (Gerard is a middle school teacher)
Gerard: No, I think it's because we're "fresh".
Greg: Gerard threatens to fail the kids if they don’t come see us.
MRR: How does this "no veto of songs" rule work?
Greg: Basically, it's if one of the guys writes a song and really wants
to play it, we have to; even if we all think it's shit. If he’s
obstinate enough he could play it at every show. Most of the friction
I’ve had in all the bands I’ve been in for the last ten years have come
from problems like that; people saying "Well, I don’t like that song.
That’s not our sound.", and I’ve always liked bands who jump all over
and like to do different shit. It’s probably kept us from a lot of
Jason: Yeah, I think our biggest argument we’ve had like that has been
about a cover song.
Greg: Basically Gerard tried to get around the no veto rule, tried to
amend the constitution, like it didn’t count for covers, but we shouted
him down. We had a coup.
Hector: But it’s not like we’re all obstinate enough to want to play a
song that nobody else in the band wants to play.
Greg: I am.
Jason: I’ve dropped songs because I felt like we weren’t all into it.
It’s not really "no veto" , sometimes it’s just like revolving
Greg: But we’re all pretty much coming from similar places. We’re all
pretty much rock.
Gerard: It’s a consequence of ineptitude though.
Jason: Yeah, we’re thinking "this is our totally new wave song" and
when we play it people are like "sure, that’s really ‘new wave’, man".
It’s not even remotely close.
MRR: You guys have some songs that are clearly not serious, and some
like the Norteño song that would sound like a novelty to the casual
listener. Do you worry about getting lumped in with stuff like that?
Greg: "Goof Rock". In the Toxic Ranch catalog we were listed as
something like "Tucson’s answer to NOFX", who I’d never heard.
Jason: And who we sound nothing like. It was probably just because
Greg’s fat.
Greg: Yeah, I think they’re just saying because I’m a fat guy...
Jason: But they don’t say "Hey, it’s Poison Idea" though. Obviously I
like bands with a sense of humor, like the Angry Samoans or something,
but at the opposite end of the spectrum you have shit like the Dead
Milkmen and it would be a nightmare to be thought of as being in league
with that crap.
Hector: But it would be worse to be lumped in with bands that are
totally humorless, too serious.
Gerard: I personally don’t care. Who cares if people think we’re
Greg: Of course I don’t care, it just undermines things that you might
want people to take seriously, my lyrics are mostly pretty serious I
MRR: Yeah, but they’re funny.
Greg: They just seem that way cause Hector’s lyrics are just one big
MRR: Well one thing that stood out to me was that a lot of the lyrics
are more reminiscent of older punk bands, with a lot of directionless
boredom and frustration...
Jason: Ahhh, that’s all punk bands ever write about.
Greg: With some of my favorite bands, I don’t know what the fuck
they’re saying; their lyrics are just totally nebulous and I still love
their music. The other side of the coin is bands where the lyrics are
so stupid and obvious like "I got my car and I got my girl and she digs
me hard". Two extremes and I hate them both.
MRR: (to Greg) Explain your "Captain Ugly" philosophy.
Greg: It’s not a philosophy really...
Hector: It’s about Greg making out with cute girls and then claiming
that no one likes him.
Greg: Hey, crippled people can overcome their crippled-ness. I just
don’t think people are willing to admit how important looks are in this
world, so a lot of ugly people grow up thinking that they suck but the
reality is that it’s just because they aren’t beautiful that people
don’t like them. People like to pretend that nothing’s going on, but
it’s a war. The truly sad thing is that I’m not above it, I like beauty
too. Nobody jerks off to Mother Theresa, they go for Pamela Anderson.
MRR: Do you still accept every offer to play?
Gerard: We keep saying we won’t, but then we always end up doing it.
Greg: Yeah, we play a lot. There’s lots of times when we want to say
"no", but we’re grateful for the attention. We’re like a homely girl at
the prom.
Jason: I think the reason we get asked to play so much is just because
there are so few punk bands in town, so we do the playing-out equivalent
of like three bands.
MRR: What are some memorable/ immemorable shows you’ve played?
Jason: The New Bomb Turks. It wasn’t our best night, and my guitar got
stolen, but they were great.
Greg: The Motards show in Austin.
Gerard: Scared of Chaka was memorable.
MRR: What about worst shows?
Jason: Man, that’s no problem. Vanilla Trainwreck, Thee Hypnotics...
Greg: Chrome Cranks.
Jason: Yeah that was pretty bad, and actually they’re not so horrible
on record but they were bad that night. That was the show where some
guy kept yelling "play something good" and the singer was like "We just
did! That was good!", really exasperated.
Gerard: Half Japanese.
Greg: The best thing about that was Sherry dancing, she was so happy.
MRR: What about worst reception?
Greg: Tucson.
Jason: That Portland show was pretty bad.
Gerard: Yeah but the four people there loved us.
MRR: No cigarette butts thrown at you?
Jason: Someone spat at the stage once, but I think it was one of those
punks who was spitting to show affection. There were a couple of DPC
shows though, where no one was there and we were playing, and we were
Greg: Apparently Layla told me that half the girls in Gerard’s class
back then wanted him to be the father of their children.
Jason: Hector got kissed by three or four girls at our Halloween show.
It was like girl after girl coming up and kissing Hector, and he just
continued to play and grin.
Greg: Yeah, they nudged past me to get to him. When the song was over
I went to the mic to try and make them feel guilty like "Hey, I haven’t
been kissed yet", so Travis and Omar kissed me. Great.
Jason: I think that after awhile these girls just noticed "Hey,
Hector’s a fucking great looking guy. I’m just gonna kiss him."
MRR: Did he get any dates?
Greg: No, Hector’s a puss.
MRR: Are you bothered that Greg just took a sip out of that bottle
you’re going to pour into your cup, Jason?
Jason: No, I’m just not going to pour anything from it into my cup.
Greg: I’m surrounded by a bunch of pusses.
Gerard: I’m not afraid of germs.
MRR: But you’re Australian.
Jason: Yeah, you were weaned on Vegemite and Foster’s.
MRR: How was working with Jim Waters (producer of "Electric Chump")?
Did he give you the "Jon Spencer" treatment?
Greg: A nightmare. He called me "cunt face". He called me this many
Jason: When he wasn’t busy implying that Gerard slept with his mother.
Gerard: I totally missed that.
Jason: C’mon, it was all day.
Gerard: There was a theme of abuse every day.
MRR: And the theme was always you?
Gerard: No I wasn’t the target every day.
Jason: I was never the target, Jim and I got along swimmingly.
MRR: How much of the sound on there was his doing and how much was just
"happy accidents"?
Greg: Well, it was more our ideas and his knowledge.
Hector: There were a lot of things that Jim convinced me to do vocally
that I might not have.
Gerard: So wait, you’re saying that Greg and I were the only targets?
Greg: |